Exhibition views of Idle Hands. February 23rd - April 16th, 2022. Blue Oyster Project Space, Dunedin, New Zealand
current exhibitions, performances + press
HEREart proudly presents INTERLUDE a two-person exhibition of works by Michelle Girardello and Dulce Lamarca, curated by Marianna Peragallo from July 20 – September 2, Tuesdays through Saturdays, 2-8 pm. Sunday visits are available upon request.
If you like to schedule a private guided tour with me feel free to reach out at dulcelamarcastudio [at] gmail [dot] com.
All works are for sale. For inquiries / price list contact dulcelamarcastudio [at] gmail [dot] com
Top: Rushed, 2023, courtesy of Michelle Girardello; Bottom: Tuning I, 2018, courtesy of Dulce Lamarca
On View: July 20th - September 2nd, 2023
Opening Reception: July 20th, 2023, 5 pm - 7 pm
HEREart, 145 Sixth Avenue, New York, NY
upcoming exhibitions, performances + press

Excited to share I will part of SPRING BREAK ART FAIR, New York!
SPRING/BREAK Art Show returns in September in New York City. Get Tickets Here
SPRING/BREAK Art Show 2023
'!WILD CARD!' Exhibition
First Look | Wednesday, Sept 6th, 11AM - 5PM
Opening Night | Wednesday, Sept 6th, 5PM - 8PM
Regular Show Days | Thursday, Sept 7th - Monday, Sept 11th, 11AM - 7PM
recent exhibitions, performances + press
Dulce Lamarca's online performance Can you here me? was selected and hosted by Blue Oyster Project Space in February 2022. On the year anniversary of Lamarca's performance, Blue Oyster publishes two lyrics essays on the artists work:
To share: to invite, to make excuses, to witness, to give time by Valeria Rovatti
You hear me here you by Olakiitan Adeola
Published by Blue Oyster Art Project Space on March 7th, 2023.
Dread / Dream
January 12 - 30, 2023
Group exhibition at SVA Chelsea Gallery
601 West 26th Street, Floor 15, Chelsea, New York, NY
Live-streaming from Uruguay on Thursday, January 12, 6:00 – 8:00pm, Lamarca will enact a silent two hour-long endurance piece, Desde El Rancho (2023), performed specifically for the guests of the opening reception of “Dread/Dream” and for Zoom participants.

Convocar el Desierto
Abril 29 –– Julio 3, 2022
Exhibición grupal. Museo del Desierto, Saltillo, Mexico.

Exhibition views of Convocar el Desierto. On view through July 3rd, 2022 at El Museo del Desierto, Saltillo, Mexico.
So excited to share I have been invited to exhibit my work at Blue Oyster Art Project Space, Dunedin, New Zealand in a three-person show together with artists Zoe Thompson-Moore (NZ) and Kate Mitchell (AUS).
IDLE HANDS: an exhibition that brings together visual artists who work with performance art to explore and document moments of downtime, waiting, anticipation, rest, and play.
February 23 –– April 16, 2022
Gallery hours:
Tuesday – Friday 11am – 5pm
Saturday 11am – 3pm
Exhibition views of Idle Hands. On view through April 16th, 2022 at Blue Oyster Project Space, Dunedin, New Zealand
Exposición colectiva en Abrir Galería de participantes en Taller Cabos Sueltos
Curaduría x Valeria Rovatti - @valrovatti
Hosted x Abrir Galería - @abrirgaleria
AMPARO MOLAR - @amparomolar
CELINA HUERGO - @celine.art
DELFINA DEBUSSY - @delfinadebussy
DULCE LAMARCA - @dulcelamarca
FRANCISCA REY - @_panqui
GIANLUCA SCIANCA - @gianluca.ttt
JANAINA MORAES - @janagmoraes
JULIETA PADILLA - @julietapandilla
LAURA CAPRA - @laucapra
MANA PINTO - @mana.pinto
MARIA PAULA MORENO - @mariapaulamor
MERCEDES MAS - @mercedes_mas
MÓNICA FONSECA - @monica.fonseca.r
PAULINA LEON - @paulinale0n
ROSITA CHICLE - @rositachicle
SOFÍA GOLDEMBERG - @sofiagoldemberg
SOFÍA POPLAWSKI - @sofipoplawski
Link to exhibition: here
SOLID DRIFT: a performance about how human bodies drift through experiences. Direction and video projections by Dulce Lamarca. In collaboration with, and performed by actor Chip Rybak and poet Olakiitan Adeola.
Saturday, October 2nd | 4pm at
Starta Arta
220 E 23rd Street, 4th Floor
New York, NY 10010
SOLID DRIFT: a performance about how human bodies drift through experiences. Direction and video projections by Dulce Lamarca. In collaboration with, and performed by actor Chip Rybak and poet Olakiitan Adeola.
558 ST JOHNS PLACE, Crown Heights, Brooklyn, New York 11238
Saturday, August 21st, 2021
PIEZA is a collaborative project centered around informal gatherings occupying space through leisure as both a learning tool and an act of resistance.
July 2 — August 1, 2021
Opening Reception: Friday, July 2, 12-6pm (by appointment) with actions by Infinite and Pieza at 3pm
Torey Akers, Emmy Bright, Brittany Burton, Brandon Coley-Cox, Adinah Dancyger (featuring Mykki Blanco), Jazzmint Dash, Pieza Collective: Dulce Lamarca, Maximilian Juliá, Daniel Arturo Almeida, Infinite, Sky Kesler, Nikki Lau, Philadelphia Printworks (featuring Maryam Pugh), Tamara Santibañez, and Elise Warfield
Curated by Kristina Bivona
A.I.R. Gallery 155 Plymouth Street, Brooklyn NY 11201